Thursday, November 22, 2012

A Day of Thanks and of Giving

A fun shot from my photoshoot with Richard!
Since the hurricane, I am slowly getting my life back on track and constantly find myself in a state of extreme appreciation. While some of my neighbors have no home or belongings to return to on this day, I am even more appreciative to be surrounded by the comfort and warmth of family and friends. My "What I'm Most Thankful For" list could go on forever, but I do have some quality family time waiting for me! With that said, here's a brief list of the many blessings God has given me:

Family- Where would I be without this kooky bunch of supporters, confidantes, and financial saviors? These people have taught me the real meaning of love and generosity. My mom has sacrificed everything to give me the life I've dreamed of and always puts the wants of others before her own. She's taught me how to have a kind, open heart and given me a strong, independent soul to emulate. Alvin has been more than just a dad to me, but my best friend. My knight in shining armor, he always has inspirational words of wisdom that help me push through all my hardships. My brother, Justin, always looks out for me and always has my back. He has shown me the meaning of loyalty. I am         eternally thankful for them.

Friends- This year has been an emotional roller coaster and I could not have made it through without the people I am lucky enough to call my friends. Not only has some amazing new friends come into my life, but I've been able to rekindle my lifelong friendships as well. I am thankful for all the times they've kept me laughing and taught me to come out of my shell and enjoy life. Now, more than ever, I am realizing how something as small as a smile, a hug, or a call/text can significantly change the outcome of your day. I am thankful I have friendships to count on.

Teammates/Coaches-I never knew how vast an impact being a part of a team could change my life. I am thankful for the opportunity not only to represent and bring spirit to my school, but to be a part of something so much greater than just myself. Our friendships that have turned into sisterhood aren't left at the RAC or on the football field or even on the nationals floor, it's something that carries into our everyday life and my team stays with me everywhere I go. I am thankful for our inside jokes, for the unbelievable talent on my team that pushes me to work harder, and for the long, grueling practices that have turned our team into a family.

My ability to dance- When Martha Graham once said, "To dance is to be out of yourself. Larger, more beautiful, more powerful," I couldn't have said it better myself. I am thankful that dance has given me an outlet of expression, an escape from reality, and a goal to always work towards. I am even more thankful that God has given me this gift to share with others so that they too can enjoy the beauty and the power of the arts. 
Girl Scouts & Mentees-I thank God everyday for my little blessings. This group of girls inspire me and motivate me. I carry them in my heart every second of the day. Everything from their tiny voices telling me about their latest achievements to their little arms wrapped around my waist to their starry eyes when I let them try on my crown makes my life fulfilling. I am thankful they were brought into my life to teach me my life purpose. I thrive on their accomplishments. I am also thankful for my Cape Shore clan-Amy, Ashley, Ashley, and Emily. They bring so much pride into my life. The other day when Amy texted me, "You are like my mentor/choreographer/interview coach/best friend combined!" I melted. When I went to Emily's dance competition and saw the heart she puts into her dancing, I was incredibly proud. Thank you to my girls for teaching me how to be a mentor and a role model.


The "Little" Things- This may sound silly but I am really thankful for the "little things" in life that bring me joy- a good book, fall/winter nights, traveling, starting every morning with a cup of coffee, laughing so hard my belly hurts, hugs & kisses, chocolate, pumpkin flavored anything, Pinterest, sleeping in, football/basketball games, falling in love, fairytales, running, jewelry, cupcakes, musicals, just to name a few :)
God & His Blessings- Last, but certainly not least, I am thankful for God's love and all of His blessings. God has been keeping me busy and in that, I find that I am so blessed. The harder I work, the more opportunity He gives. Even in my darkest hour, He gives me something to be thankful for. I am thankful He watches over me and gives me undying strength. I am thankful for all my trials and tribulations because they have taught me that life goes on no matter how difficult things may seem. There is always a light at the end of the tunnel. I am thankful to be in school and to be exposed to so much knowledge that has helped me grow and shaped my future goals. Recently, I was offered an internship with my dream organization, the ACLU-NJ and will be working with them next semester two days a week. I am grateful to be given the opportunity to achieve so many of my dreams at such a young age. Next month, I will also be honored as an Outstanding Citizen of Atlantic County for my efforts working with arts and education. I am thankful to be recognized for my hard work, but more importantly, I am blessed to be able to share my passions with others.

I hope all of you have a safe and rewarding holiday! There are so many things to be thankful for.

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