Wednesday, August 8, 2012

A week has passed since I was crowned Miss Cape Shores 2013 and I still cannot believe I get to fulfill another year of service with the Miss New Jersey and Miss America Scholarship Organizations.This past Sunday, I competed with over a dozen of the state's brightest and most well-rounded young women. After being named the overall interview and talent winner, I was ecstatic to achieve such honors in such a competitive group of talented individuals.  All week I was on cloud nine and it didn't actually hit me that I will again be competing for the chance of a lifetime until I visited the Miss New Jersey website and saw my name, photo, and information under "2013 Contestants." I am humbled and honored that the judges chose me to take on the fulfilling challenge of being a local representative.

I would be remiss if I did not thank those who came to the pageant to support me. Mom, Alvin, Aunt Karyn, Ashley, Justin, Grandma, Grandpa, Hesh, Greta, and Denzel...words cannot truly explain how much your support has meant in sharing this triumph. I look forward to my year being a Shore Girl and sharing this adventure with my pageant sisters Courtney, Miss Coastal Shore, and Kaitlyn, Miss Seashore Line. This will be my third year in pursuit of a dream that may seem unattainable to some, a silly fantasy to others, yet everything to me. As Audrey Hepburn once said, "Nothing's impossible. The word itself says I'm possible." With that thought in mind, I will embark on a year-long journey, which culminates with the Miss New Jersey Scholarship Pageant; however, it does not begin and end there. The night I was crowned, I stayed up late drafting a list of goals I would like to achieve throughout my year as Miss Cape Shores and I have every intention to follow through with every single one.

In only one short week, I have been contacted for newspaper interviews, arts empowerment workshop presentations, performances, and my first radio interview ! I will try my best to keep this new blog updated. Be sure to follow me on twitter @xocierrajade and also Facebook, which profiles I update frequently. More to follow !

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